Case Note No. 19 February 2, 2025 Hello again. It's me, Ms. AAngyl, the blogging unicorn. And do I have news for you!!! For those of you who are new to this blog, I am the author of AAnygl's Blog, Diary of a Therapy Horse. Since May, 2021 I have been posting my Case Notes on Margaret's website, Readers of my blog will know that I have lived as an incarnated unicorn, most recently embodied on Planet Earth as Margaret's therapy horse. While I was on Earth, humans knew me as a registered half-Arab National Show Horse named VJ Eightdays A Week, foaled in April, 2002. She wrote a book about our life together called Meant To Be: An Awakening Journey. Upon bonding with me in Florida back in January 2017, Margaret immediately changed my name to Angel. But when I was born, I was christened with the "barn name" of Doris, in a nod to my famous black American Saddlebred father, Sultan's Great Day. Clever, isn't it? A show horse named "Doris Day" LOL!! With famous performance horses on both sides of my family tree, I aspired to be an equine actress in that lifetime. Margaret and I broke some new ground in that area at the Horseplay! Equine-Assisted Entertainment Venue that we co-created in my house in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada, and I had a great life for 19 years. But now the show goes on in California, with other talented equine family members on the ground there. I am honoured and thrilled to watch their progress, and serve from the other side as one of Margaret's in-spirit collaborators and guides. When at Home, I can be found in the Unicorn Kingdom, where I have a fabulous set-up, lots of inspired company, and everything I could ever desire. Just to catch you up with the story, three days after I crossed the Rainbow Bridge in June 2021, I resumed writing my Diary of a Therapy Horse blog on Margaret's website, penning Case Note No. 5, Hello From Heaven. We posted my most recent note, Case Note No. 18, Unicorn Connections, on June 6, 2023. By that time, I had directed Margaret to her next therapy horse, Presence Mac V (who just happens to be my charming first cousin once removed--just a coincidence LOL). Presence was born in California in March 2022 at the famous home of Huckleberry Bey, my purebred Arabian grandfather on my mother's side. Later that summer, Presence was joined on the ground by her feisty, fashion-loving great aunt Euphorika on her mother's side. Rika, as she likes to be called, is a bright red bay, a dancer and equine actress with a flair for drama and a distinct love of costume and bling. You will hear much more from Rika in these pages. BTW, all of my incarnated family members carry the mark of the unicorn, which is a star on our foreheads, and the mark of Pegasus, which is a set of wings where our forelegs meet our chests. Now for some exciting news since I last wrote. In March 2024, our extended family expanded to include a stately grey incarnated Pegasian seraph posing as an ethereal pure white purebred Arabian mare named American Fashion V. She used to go by the name of Fashion, but since joining our family, she prefers to be known as Serafina. The big excitement in the clan these days is that later this month, both Rika and Serafina are expecting foals sired by my handsome cousin, Major Mac V. If you have read my Case Note No. 16, you will already know that Major is also the father of my soon to be three-year-old cousin, Presence Mac V. Going forward in this blog, we plan to pick up the story in central coastal California. We'll likely start the tale in the fall of 2024, but being unicorn memoirists, we can and will slide either way on the time-space continuum, for literary effect. For some of our stories, you will hear Margaret's version of events (in her Magic Watch blog), or mine in this blog, or we'll both have something to say. But now that I have other family members on the ground, I have enlisted their help as well. We are still fine-tuning the details of their soul contracts, as to the extent and nature of the content they will create. But it is likely that Rika will cover fashion and dance, and Serafina will contribute her perspective as a seasoned broodmare (as well as some fashion advice LOL). Young Presence will be given the floor (and mic) when she has something to say about her experiences while being saddle-trained to music as a young Arabian horse. And likely about her younger Macsiblings as well LOL. Much credit for professional photography of our family is due to the ever-capable and creative Evie Tubbs Sweeney. Last spring she put together a nice little video for us called Dancing Horses. It tells our story in about three minutes, and introduces you to the current cast of equine characters. (Except for the new foals, of course, of course. At present they are only outwardly visible as big bulges, and as dolls that Margaret made to represent them, so they can feel included in the photoshoots.) It’s only three more weeks to go for Serafina and Rika! Please wish them well! This week, before they're confined to the foaling stalls, Rika and Serafina worked with handler Magic Mike on the set for a Valentine's Day photoshoot and upcoming blog. And you can now view our Dancing Horses video here: If you choose to follow our tale, you may find yourself wondering if you are reading about horses, or if we truly are incarnated unicorns and/or seraphim with Pegasian bloodlines. Is this story of ours a work of fiction, or is it nonfiction? Or are we creating a new class of literature known as nonfiction fantasy because the players are embodied and apparently real on planet Earth, but hail from the ascended realms? Famous English spiritual teacher and channel Diana Cooper reports that unicorns are incarnating in droves on the planet these days, in aid of Gaia's ongoing ascension. This is true, of course, of course. But I'll leave it up to you to decide where the magic in our story originates... Until next time, Ms. AAngyl
Case Note No. 18; Tues June 6, 2023 Hello again, it's me, Ms. AAngyl. Where I come from, time doesn't exist, but I know that for you, it's been a while since you last heard from me. I am dropping in today to update you on some family news since I last wrote in September 2021. Of course you may know that I am joined on this side by Panama NA, who is now known as Pangylla. She is the beautiful mother of Presence Mac V, my feisty little cousin who turned one year old on March 23, 2023 and is already the star of two music videos by Evie! Panama was the bay mare I told you about that I found for Margaret. The one who had fallen in love with my purebred Arabian cousin, Major Mac V, and was having his baby. Pangylla and I watch over Presence every day from above. What you don't know is that before Panama left so suddenly on July 20, 2022, she arranged for Presence to be watched over on Earth not only by her human caregivers but also by Panama's Aunt Rika, who is a daughter of Panama's grandsire, Sir Fames. Poor Panama suddenly developed a twisted colon when little Presence was not quite four months old. The lovely mare was rushed to surgery but on her deathbed, within a minute of Margaret having to tell the surgeon to let her go, Panama's departing spirit contacted Siggy, her former owner. Margaret was in the grocery store in Cape Breton when she got the news from the vet in California and had to make the sad but humane decision. Suddenly her phone rang, and it was Siggy, calling from Texas. She introduced herself and asked in a cheery voice, "How are Panama and Presence?" Margaret had never spoken with Siggy, so her call came as quite a shock on top of just losing Panama. The two of them spoke for an hour, consoling each other and cherishing the memory of the beloved mare who was only nine years old. But Panama had a plan for her daughter all worked out. Two days later, Margaret got another call from Siggy, who directed her to a website, saying, "Margaret, you have to look at this mare!" She did, and there for sale she saw a beautiful 15-year old red bay mare named Euphorika IA, who goes by "Rika." Rika is Panama's aunt on her father's side! She looked beautiful in the photos and video and she was offered for sale by Evie, who takes the wonderful photos and videos of horses at the ranch. Later that day, a huge unicorn floatie appeared at the beach in Little Judique Harbour in Cape Breton, and a rainbow appeared over Margaret's travel trailer. Seeing these as positive signs, she eagerly decided to ask Rika to join the family. We unicorns are all connected, and have a way of making sure that everything works out. And I make sure that Margaret sees regular evidence of my continued presence in her life. She spent the fall and winter in California at the ranch working with Presence and Rika. If you have read Margaret's book, you may recall that when I met her in 2016, my barn name was Doris. When Margaret bought me in 2017, she immediately changed my barn name to Angel. I like to joke around a bit, so while she was at the ranch, I made sure that they bought the right brand of bedding for the stalls- Dorris, of course, of course!
Until next time... AAngyl. Case Note No. 17; Mon Sept. 20, 2021 Hello again, it's me, Ms. AAngyl. Since Sept. 11, Margaret and I have been spending a wonderful time in the province of British Columbia (BC), on the west coast of Canada. We have been staying with Margaret's family in Victoria, and visiting a friend with horses in Kelowna, BC. We have been tourists in the area, which is new to us. First we were treated to a tour of the grand city of Victoria. We enjoyed seeing the fine old buildings such as the Empress Hotel, where one can still enjoy an elegant high tea, and we admired the fancy shops and art galleries. Margaret's son took us on a day trip up the island that included a stop in funky Cowichan Bay, a lively town with a small harbour, colourful shops and a museum filled with historical information and examples of boats made and used by local fishermen. There we stopped at a bakery that posts sage advice on a sidewalk blackboard: "Life is what you bake it." Right on, we agreed. We ordered delicious pastries and coffee to go, and enjoyed an al fresco feast in the warm sunshine. One of the first things one learns when in BC is that the city of Victoria is on Vancouver Island, whereas the city of Vancouver and most of the rest of the province is on the mainland. In order to get on or off Vancouver Island, one must either fly or take a ferry. We have done both. Margaret has a friend she met years ago who was visiting in Cape Breton. This lady lives in Kelowna, BC, where she runs a large equestrian centre, and invited us to visit her while we were in the province. So we rented a car in Victoria and took the ferry (from Swartz Bay) to Vancouver (Tsawwassen), before driving to Kelowna. The BC Ferry rides, which we took both ways, were fun. The ferry boats have gift shops with nice clothing and souvenirs, and restaurants that are convenient for having a meal during the sailing. Margaret noted with amusement that some of the fashions featured in the store on the Spirit of British Columbia seemed to be in a time warp. She was tempted by a denim jumpsuit that reminded her of one she had made for herself from a Vogue Pattern from about 1972! She was also pleased to learn that by wearing a hoodie with a prominent Cape Breton logo, it was easy to attract fellow Maritimers who are now living in BC, and have lots of tips to share! The drive from the Tsawwassen ferry terminal to Kelowna takes about four and a half hours, and covers some high, mountainous terrain. It was raining on both trips, so that kept her on her toes. On the way over to Kelowna, we stopped in a place called Hope, BC, and learned a bit about the history of the Hudson's Bay Company. Our time in Kelowna was delightful. Margaret's friend is a true lover of animals, and takes excellent care of many boarded horses, as well as three dogs, two cats, and many chickens that lay delicious eggs each day for her breakfast. She has a beautiful gray Dutch warmblood as her personal therapy horse. They enjoy their time together riding in a large covered arena on her farm, called Serendipity Farm, which is situated outside the city amidst acres of beautiful land crossed with trails. We were treated like family, and look forward to spending happy times together in the future. After returning from Kelowna, we spent a few more days in Victoria. On our last night we all went out for dinner at a fabulous Italian restaurant in an old part of town that years ago used to be swampy. On the way there, we walked along a street which appears to be cobbled, but is actually made of square wooden poles that are stacked vertically. Ingenious!
So now it is time to say goodbye to our loved ones in BC and take a plane to Ontario, this time to the city of London. It has been a wonderful visit, and we look forward to seeing everyone soon in Cape Breton! Fri Sep 11, 2021; Case Note No. 16 Well hello again, it’s me, Ms. AAngyl, the blogging, flying, service unicorn. Sorry, I am a little behind in my writing. But it’s for a good reason. As I mentioned in Case Note No. 15, my patient Margaret and I are on a grand journey, spending time with our family members and friends in Canada and the United States. We have spent the past nine days in California, and are writing this blog at 34,000 feet, on a flight to Portland, Oregon. We are en route to Canada, this time on the west coast of that vast country, where Margaret’s son lives with his family. Our reason for going to California was to meet up with some relatives of mine that I had only known from online photos. We stayed at the ranch where my grandfather was born and raised, and met some wonderful people and horses who are continuing the family traditions. I saw the stall where his brass nameplate is still on the door, and spent time getting to know a handsome stallion who is my first-cousin-once-removed. Of course, of course, there’s always more than a little magic when unicorns plan a family get-together. Shortly after Margaret learned that I was preparing to cross the Rainbow Bridge, she asked for my help in finding her next therapy horse. Unbeknownst to her, I was already working on that. A few months ago, my cousin the stallion and I had arranged for a lovely Arabian mare from Texas (who is unrelated to us) to be brought to his ranch. (She's a dark bay with a star who looks a lot like me when I was a horse. That's how we got Margaret's attention LOL). My studly cousin really knows how to dance and impress the ladies. So predictably, as soon as she laid eyes on him, the mare fell madly in love. Now she is carrying his foal, who is of course, of course, related to me. I am so excited! I can hardly wait to meet the newest member of our family, who is due to arrive next spring! While at the ranch, we stayed in the beautiful little guest house, where the walls are decorated with lots of photos of my family members. The back deck overlooks a huge paddock, and in every direction we were surrounded by peacefully grazing Arabian horses. Margaret spent a lot of time talking to the horses, and shadowing an amazing trainer who works with them. He kindly took her under his wing, and shared some of his special ways of communicating with these sensitive animals. Right from the get-go, we were treated like family. Shortly after we arrived, we were invited to a big family party thrown by the ranch manager, and were warmly welcomed by many people we met who also love Arabian horses. Within minutes of being introduced at the ranch, they seemed like old friends with much in common, and lots to laugh about. So we unicorns were quite pleased at how well the reunion of the family tribe turned out, for all concerned. While we were busy at the ranch, there was little time for touring the famous central California landscapes. But I found a way. With a pandemic going on, international travellers need to get a "molecular test" no more than 72 hours before leaving on a jet plane for Canada. I knew there was some impressive scenery to the south of where we were staying. So I arranged for the schedules of the nearby rapid testing centres to be fully booked. The only site available on short notice was located at a fairground about an hour’s drive south of where we were staying. That gave us the opportunity to pass by some beautiful vistas along the way, and even take in a local swap market held on Thursdays in the fairground parking lot. At the market, even the horses wore face masks, unless they were safely tucked away inside protective clear plastic containers. On the way home, we stopped to take pictures at a beautiful dam on a lake, with the mountains in the distance. Naturally, when staying close to Highway 101 in California, one cannot miss the opportunity to visit the charming coastal towns and fishing harbours. Near the end of our visit, we were invited to stay two nights with a wonderful new friend who lives in one of these towns, and was happy to show us around. In the language of the indigenous Chumash people of the area, the name of the town means “hole in the sky.” Needless to say, it was a delightful experience. Her dog is friends with some seals that live by the wharf of an oceanfront restaurant we visited. So we had fun watching as they took turns barking at each other, while we enjoyed our dinner on the outdoor patio.
And then it was time for us to say goodbye to all of our family and new friends in California, with our hearts overflowing with joy and gratitude for their gracious company and hospitality. See you all in Cape Breton! Case Note No. 14; Sunday August 29, 2021 Hello again, it's me, Ms. AAngyl, the blogging unicorn. I am so excited that I can hardly sleep, let alone dictate my blog! Margaret and I are on a big trip, to meet up with friends and relatives across Canada and in the United States. Some might even say that we are on a pilgrimage to connect our pasts with our futures. Please feel free to join us on our journey in the coming weeks. I was born in 2002 and raised in Ocala, living my life in Florida until I was fifteen. That's the state where I first met Margaret, and in 2017 I decided to become her live-in therapy horse, and move to her home in Canada, on the island of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Despite my Florida roots, many generations of my mother's family (my Arabian side) lived in California. You may recall that when I first started writing this blog, I was still in my horse form, living in my house on Shore Road. In Case No. Note 4, I mentioned my longing to know my Arabian grandfather. I was regularly reminded of him because my patient kept a large Breyer model of his likeness, still in its original packaging, in her half of my house. It was on the desk where she cut up my fresh fruit and veggie snacks, so I often looked in that direction. Well, guess what? The big news is that we are soon going to California for a visit. Finally we can see where my grandfather lived, and meet some of my living relatives. I can't wait! It's a long way to California (and to Tipperary, for that matter LOL). But first we have other stops to make along the way. Margaret wanted me, and Big Silver II, to meet her many friends and family members living in Ontario. (FYI, when traveling, I take the form in the material world of a small white unicorn with a rainbow mane and tail. And as a reminder of me, Margaret often wears a rainbow braid hanging from her hat. That's just a heads-up, in case you happen to spot us.) In order to partake of this sojourn, we had to drive from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia to southwestern Ontario, a distance of 1,636 km. We did this last week, at a leisurely pace over three days, staying with friends, and arriving at our destination late Friday afternoon. Which reminds me. I have to tell you that there have been several changes of vehicular characters since we co-authored Meant To Be, An Awakening Journey, published in May of 2020. The mechanical angel who brought us from Cape Breton to Lambton County, Ontario is named Big Silver II. Big Silver I, the 2012 Chevy Silverado 1500 extended cab V8 truck that Margaret bought used in June of 2019, is now resting in pieces. In December of 2020, he simultaneously crossed the Rainbow Bridge and the Canso Causeway, the famous bridge leading onto Cape Breton Island. This occurred after an untimely after-dark encounter with an unseen foreign object in the road, causing him to swerve, blow a tire and scrape along the guardrail, taking out all of the safety systems on his right side. Thank you for your service, Big Silver I. Nine months into the pandemic, used trucks of any description were as scarce as hens' teeth in Nova Scotia. And so, there was no alternative but to replace Big Silver with a new truck. At that time, suitably-equipped trucks (most of which are made in the USA), were also in very short supply. Nevertheless, enter into our life Big Silver II, a 2021 Chevy Silverado 1500 High Country LOL, an updated and upgraded version of Big Silver I, with a diesel engine. This burly fellow appeared at MacGillivray GMC in Antigonish, sporting the same paint colour as Big Silver I (a Chevy Silverado colour that is simply called "Silver," although colour-conscious Margaret would be more likely to describe it as "Metallic Medium Charcoal Gray." The Silver paint colour just happened to be the only available choice in a High Country Silverado with a Duramax diesel engine. Apparently this particular mechanical angel was meant to be our next family truck, which conveniently did not require a significant change of name for the new character. In order to add Big Silver II to the vehicular family, Margaret and Johannes each had to bid a fond farewell to a beloved vehicle. Exit both Katy the Kona (her 2019 Hyundai Kona in Acid Yellow, a shade of lime green), and his 1990 black convertible Mercedes GD-wagon, a rare bird with a diesel engine. For sure, it was sad to see them go. But trusty Big Silver II incorporates all of the best features of the three dearly-departed vehicles, and a whole lot more. So life rolls on. And as Muriel used to say, there's nothing wrong with learning how to share. Readers of our book, Meant To Be, will know that Margaret grew up in the village of Watford, Ontario and spent her childhood summers at the family cottage in Port Franks. These two villages in Lambton County are very dear to her heart. Her brother Jim and his wife Margaret McLaren (sometimes referred to as "Margaret V" among family members, to avoid confusion with my Margaret) now own and maintain the cottage, and kindly host and/or facilitate many gatherings of family and friends there. So here we are, sharing time with them and enjoying the best of everything the cottage and the surrounding area has to offer, in the glorious hot days of late August. Of course, of course, one of the unforgettable highlights of summer life at the cottage is the daily trip to the Port Franks Beach. The cottage is conveniently situated on the bank of a creek whose mouth empties into Lake Huron, one of Canada's Great Lakes. The beach is a short walk from the cottage, along a former roadway that is now a picturesque tree-canopied walking path that follows the creek. This creek is known to most as Mud Creek. However, others in the past, with a questionable, or perhaps romantic or revisionist approach to history, preferred to call it the "Old Ausable River." Interestingly, a current search of the area on the Maps app on Margaret's iPhone7 reveals an enticing new name for this body of water (drum roll)... Golden Creek! Margaret loves this name, but brother Jim has an opposite reaction, and swears by his modern Android phone that the notion that Mud Creek has been renamed is an error or aberration, if not an outright abomination. Seen above is a family of swans enjoying some quality time today on Mud/Golden Creek. At the moment, it might be more aptly named Green Creek, thanks to the large bloom of Duckweed, a tiny floating plant that holds the distinction of being one of the smallest flowering plants in existence. Well done, Duckweed! Time will tell by what name this lake-meeting body of water will come to be known in future days. The beach can get rather crowded with visitors on the weekends, so seasoned locals know that it is best to continue to walk far down from the mouth, to where the crowds thin out and the lake water is pristine. Instead of walking, some cottage owners, including friendly neighbours, arrive by power boat and anchor offshore. Lazy mornings and afternoons are spent swimming, paddle boarding and bobbing in the warm lake waters, sometimes seated in innovative floating chairs made of pool noodles and durable straps. Another huge attraction of late summer life at the cottage is the joy of al fresco meals on the patio, designed around the abundant fresh produce grown in the area, and available at farm and orchard stands that have been operating for decades. For Margaret, the highlight is delicious barbecued meals featuring beefsteak tomatoes, fresh local corn on the cob, and local peaches. I know I would love to taste the corn and peaches. It has been over five years since Margaret visited the village of Watford, Ontario, population of about 1,600 souls. Brother Jim was keen to get to acquainted with Big Silver II, so he offered to drive, and off we went. Watford is a 20-minute drive south from the cottage, along country roads bordered with fields of cash crops such as hay, soybeans, corn, and even cabbages. Much to her surprise and delight, along the way through this remote rural countryside, Margaret spotted not one but two new equestrian facilities. One of them is called All About Horses. How exciting for a horse lover living in Lambton County! As soon as she has some free time, she will pay them a visit to learn more about what they offer. When we arrived in Watford, Big Silver II and I took in the surroundings, while Margaret mailed a letter at the local post office, and took some pictures of the landmarks, including McLaren Pharmacy, which was established by her great grandfather William Peter McLaren in 1869. It is in a new location on the former Main Street, now known as Nauvoo Road. Of course, of course Big Silver I was a vehicular character in Meant To Be, so he knew all about the inventor named Maxwell, and his famous horseless carriage known as the Maxmobile. Naturally, Big Silver II was curious about it, and wanted his picture taken in view of the former fire hall, where a Maxmobile is on display. He also wanted a shot of the Armouries, with its muraled walls depicting famous moments in Watford's history. We unicorns can pull a lot of strings for our loved ones. Our tour of Watford included a drive around the back streets, including Ontario Street, where we passed the former McLaren house. Imagine Margaret's astonishment to see a huge blue flag featuring a white unicorn head, flying proudly from the flag standard on the porch of the brick house her grandfather built in 1915! She was so excited by it that she just had to knock on the door and ask the owners if she could photograph the flag. After introductions, the new owners kindly invited all of us to come in. While Jim talked to the man of the house about all of the building improvements he had made to the house, Margaret chatted with his wife, who had filled the dining room plate rail and tops of cabinets with the largest collection of unicorn memorabilia she had ever seen! She and her brother learned that the new owners had moved into the house in 2017, the year I invited my patient into my life. Just a coincidence LOL!
August 21, 2021; Case Note No. 13 Ah, summertime! And the livin' is easy. And abundant. It is late August, that glorious time of year when Gaia is resplendent in her brightest colours, and boundless in her generosity as She nurtures to maturity and perfection Her gifts of fruits and vegetables! Of course, of course, it's me, Ms. AAngyl, the unicorn. Having moved to my house on Shore Road in late October of last year, I did not have a chance to experience the joy of summer in that place, while I was still embodied as a horse. So this year, from above, I am taking in a great view of all that I missed. As you may know, I was instrumental in finding our little piece of paradise on Cape Breton Island. When my patient Margaret first laid eyes on the small blue-and-white cottage with its untouched fields full of wild vegetation, she named her new home Wildflower Cottage, and resolved to keep the property as true to its natural state as she could. (Some might even say, "Weeds are her friends." But her horticultural philosophy is to co-create with Mother Nature, and see how their joint projects work out.) In keeping with the cottage name, wildflowers of all kinds grow side-by-side across the front deck. These were grown from seeds that were randomly tossed from mixed seed packets. It keeps Margaret busy watching to see what kinds of flowers will appear, and when, among the tightly-packed stems and leaves that grow up, and cram themselves together with little space between. The Marguerites among were the earliest to bloom. Only their dry flower stalks remain now (serving as convenient supports for climbing wild Vetch plants that recently invited themselves into the garden, confident they would be welcome, given their strong resemblance to Beach Peas). The Poppies and Brown-eyed Susan's are late bloomers, just recently adding their showy blossoms to the display. Some native Queen Anne's Lace plants have also joined the party of late. Down by my blue-and-white house, Mother Nature has worked closely with the human tenders of the big sand hill. Native beach grass has grown tall on the hilltop, forming a nice backdrop for the rows of root vegetables planted on the west-facing slope. Of course, of course, this fruit-loving granddaughter of Huckleberry Bey is very fond of berries of all kinds. The wild strawberry plants on Strawberry/Lupine Hill, and the rows of cultivated ones, have stopped producing berries. But the neighbouring fields are now filled with delicious ripe blueberries and blackberries. I can just taste them! You can be sure that I am also keeping a close eye on the progress of the carrots! Meanwhile, Mother Nature has been very busy producing a profusion of flowering plants for the bees, on the open areas of the hill, and in natural hedges formed along the driveways that border each side of the property. A sea of wild flowers is seen everywhere, mainly in shades of yellow or white (Goldenrod, Queen Anne's Lace, and many others). New this year, a touch of lilac colour has been added, with the appearance of a large group of Fireweed plants. You may also be aware that I am quite partial to Lupine plants. In Lupine news, most of the older generations growing on Lupine Hill ceased blooming in July, and subsequently went to seed. Many of their cleverly designed spring-loaded seed pods have now sprung open, and flung their contents to the wind, and the soil. However, some of the next generation of seedlings that grew up earlier this summer, recognizable as Lupines by with their distinctive starburst (palmately compound?) foliage, seem to have a different plan. Rather than wait until next June or July to bloom, presently, some of these tiny plants are sporting developing flower spikes that will likely mature into flower heads some time in September, and seed pods after that. My advice to these ambitious young plants is that they better be quick at making and popping their seed pods, if they expect their seeds to be successfully planted before the ground freezes!
In further Lupine news, the Lone Lupine is still alive, i.e., the one I watched growing in the rocky ditch beyond my ocean-view stall window, which Margaret subsequently transplanted in mid-June, to serve as a perennial headstone in my final resting place in Anne's field. At the time, a few mixed wildflower seeds were also scattered around my site. Unfortunately, the flowers on the Lone Lupine did not have the support they needed to go on to form seed pods. All that remains of the flower spikes are some tall, dry sticks. However, in a touching show of support, a ring of Alyssum plants grew up there, and are seen blooming all around the base of the Lone Lupine. Their tight clusters of tiny white flowers mark the spot, and can be seen even from a distance. In other benevolent gestures, Mother Nature filled a large semi-circular area of the field to the east with bay (laurel) plants, and filled in most of the remaining area with Heal-All plants, whose flowers make such tasty, healing tea. No hot summer day in August on Shore Road would be complete without a trip to our beach for a refreshing swim. Nor without a night there, to marvel at meteor showers, or warm to a driftwood bonfire on the beach, with special effects provided by excelsior-like clumps of crinkly dried kelp, endowed with a remarkable ability to withstand the flames. In excelsior Deo!! Friday, August 13, 2021; Case Note No. 13
Hello again, it’s me Ms. AAngyl, the Blogging Unicorn. The Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics officially ended last Saturday, August 7, 2021, one day before the peak of the Lion's Gate. The Games concluded with a spectacular, extraordinarily colourful, diverse and joyful Closing Ceremony. The XXXII Olympiad was noteworthy on many levels. The challenges, achievements, breakthroughs, and milestones in many sports, as well as some lessons, will be subjects of discussion for months and years to come. (See Wikipedia articles and hundreds of sports sites, etc., for further details.) Being one of the few horses with a blog, I am here to speak for the non-humans who participated in activities surrounding the Tokyo 2020 Games. By now, most of the horses and their riders have flown back to their home countries, located all over the planet. Now is as fitting a time as any to carry on with a topic I first addressed in our book, and in Case Note No. 2, regarding the sensibilities of plants, animals, and mechanical creations. In particular, I have more to share regarding inter-species communication and collaboration among flora and fauna, including interactions with humans. For today, I will restrict my remarks on this topic to news from the world of plants. The uplifting overall theme of the delayed Tokyo 2020 Olympics was: Moving Forward. For sure, we are all for that! The sub-theme chosen by the Japanese organizers for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies was: United in Emotion. As we shall see, the flowering plants truly took this theme to heart. The entertainment portions of both Olympic ceremonies featured state-of-the-art projection mapping technology using drones. This was utilized within the Olympic Stadium to create stunning visual images that magically augmented the stage and towering space above it, during live performances that showcased Japanese culture and artistry. Impressive as these ceremonies were, of more interest to the horses in attendance, and to the Plant Kingdom in particular, were the daily award ceremonies that were conducted as top athletes or teams in each sport received their Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals. The non-human participants (as well as enlightened observers of all stripes throughout the Universe), were delighted to see that for the first time since 2012, the victorious human athletes were decorated with "victory bouquets," this year referred to as "mementos." In case you did not see any of these, they were lovely, and carried a deep significance and a message of hope and resilience. You can see images of these bouquets and read all about them online. In times past, people would send unspoken messages to one another by gifting others with particular types of flowers, whose associated sentiment was understood. Laudably, this tradition was moved forward again in the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics. The beautiful memento bouquets contained members of the Plant Kingdom that were grown mainly in areas of Japan that were devastated by the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, and are still struggling to recover from it. The representative species are: sunflowers from Miyagi, eustoma and Solomon's seal from Fukushima, and gentians from Iwate. Aspidistras, symbolizing the host city of Tokyo, are also included in the victory bouquets. The sunflowers of Miyagi Prefecture were first planted by parents of children who sought safety from the the oncoming tsunami on a hill in that region, but sadly lost their lives. Every year the entire hill is covered with sunflowers, said to be a reflection of the memories of people affected by the disaster. The eustomas and Solomon's seal were grown in Fukushima Prefecture. After the earthquake, a non-profit organization was established there, to grow flowers for economic recovery when the land was rendered unfit for agriculture. Iwate Prefecture is widely known for its production of gentians. Fittingly, their Indigo blue colour is the same as that of the Tokyo 2020 emblem. Needless to say, the Plant Kingdom is as pleased as punch to have shared the global stage with the human athletes, who were always seen beaming for the cameras, holding their medals next to their hearts with one hand while victoriously raising their bouquets high above their heads. What wonderful exposure for the flowers and plants!! (BTW, be it known that equine athletes who are medalists would also appreciate receiving a bouquet, preferably of the edible variety. We are working with the Parisians on this matter for 2024. Sunflowers are always a good choice. While living on Shore Road, free to wander the property, I found even the dried leaves of sunflower stalks to be quite delicious, even in November.) Of course, of course, sunflowers have never been wallflowers. Now, having been in the global limelight during Lion's Gate 2021 (in fact, fully anticipating that exposure to have occurred last summer), some of them have become truly big-headed, not to mention proactive. Sunflowers are now breaking new ground in survival tactics, and in communicating and manifesting their habitats of choice. To wit, several bold and independent young seeds (possibly, but not necessarily, descended from last year's plants, since there are some packets of black sunflower seeds from Dollarama kept on the property, as food for the birds) hatched a plan of their own. This was to survive and plant themselves this year, by way of some avian or red squirrel friends. Three of them were successful, and having arrived in their chosen habitats, this summer they germinated and cropped up in unexpected places around Wildflower Cottage. Here's the back story. Although some perennial sunflowers exist, these plants are generally known as annuals. Thus, each spring Johannes buys seeds from tall and dwarf varieties of sunflower plants, and plants them strategically in a raised bed along the south side of Wildflower Cottage. (This used to result in plants of predictable heights, planted in locations to coordinate with the positions of the windows. However, as seen in the above photo of the mid-August 2021 crop growing in the south bed, the sunflower seeds he planted this year were having none of it LOL.) In the fall, when the plants have finished blooming, the bees have stopped visiting, and nothing but the naked seeds remain in the flower heads, he cuts them off and throws them on the ground under the spruce tree, as a treat for the local wild birds to enjoy. (That is, those seeds that are still left, after the bluejays have taken as many as they can get their beaks on, by dive-bombing the flower heads on the stalks, and plucking the seeds right out of them.) It remains a mystery what mechanism(s) was chosen by the adventuresome sunflower seeds, to deliver them to their desired germination sites. However it happened, one very independent seed grew up tall and proud facing the eastern sun in David & Valerie's field near the edge of the property. It is now proudly sporting two big flowers. Perhaps, like the inspirational Sunflowers of Miyagi, it aspires to filling the whole field with generation after generation of its progeny. Two other seeds preferred to remain closer to the house, but again on the east side, probably being well aware of the special attention that Johannes lavishes on the colourful little mixed flowering annuals that he always plants in the window boxes and in planters on the deck in that area. Accordingly, one attention-seeking sunflower seed decided to put itself on a pedestal right by the door, and found its way into the soil of the perfect planter. Oddly, any photograph of this stealthy plant is not able to be cropped such that the head of this sunflower is visible in the picture. Whatever. It is there. Ye shall know it by its leaves. The other East Side Sunflower chose to co-exist with a planter full of Nasturtiums that Johannes had grown from a mixture of seeds he had in his shop, as usual of unrecorded origin. The Nasturtium seeds themselves had their own agenda, i.e., to harmonize particularly skillfully with their immediate environment. It was their desire to germinate in colours that matched the two vehicles that inhabit their space between the back deck and the big spruce tree where the birds hang out. Like most males in Cape Breton, Johannes finds it logical and convenient to navigate the rough terrain on the island with off-road recreational vehicles of various types. Among the collection of mechanical angels that serves this purpose at Wildflower Cottage is the 8-wheeled yellow amphibious ARGO ATV known as Surf-N-Turf, and a relative newcomer to the family, Ludmilla (whom Margaret calls Earl), the German-origin-Russian-made orange sidecar motorcycle. These two park side-by-side LOL when they are not out on a mission. So the Nasturtium seeds agreed amongst themselves that they would bloom only in appropriate shades of yellow and orange. Well done! Not to be outdone, a sunflower seed got wind of this scheme, and arranged to co-habitate in the deck planter with them, with the agreement that they would bloom first, and it would bloom at a later date. As should now be patently obvious, plants are quite skilled at inter-species communication and activism, and are using increasingly sophisticated tactics all the time. Till next week... Thursday August 5, 2021; Case Note No. 12 Hello again, it's me, Ms. AAngyl. I am posting a day later than usual. Whatever; we've all been busy. So much has transpired on Earth in the past nine days that it's hard to know where to begin. On the global stage, the ongoing games of the Tokyo 2020 XXXII Olympiad continued throughout this window of time, with many of my Equine friends delivering magnificent performances in the segments of Eventing known as Cross Country and Show Jumping. In fact, we heard a first hand report from Swiss Eventer Jet Set, and had a huge Homecoming celebration for him, with Feldschlosslen beer and oatcakes all around, after he flew over the last water jump and joined us on Sunday. Jet, you're going to love eventing with us on a newly-designed course, on the grounds of your new "little castle in the fields!" There was also a nice bookending event, in the Eventing competition for Individuals. In this equestrian sport, women were first allowed to compete on an equal basis with male competitors in the Olympic games held in Tokyo in 1964. This year, 56 or 57 years later, (depending on how you count it LOL) at the Tokyo 2020 games, the Gold medal has been claimed by a youthful 11-year-old bay mare with a wide blaze and three white stockings named Amande De B'Neville ("Mandy"), who partnered late in training with Julia Krajewski, her female team mate representing Germany. Well done, Julia and Almond! Cracking good work!! In another form of sport riding, during the past weekend my charge Margaret joined a large group of friends who are motorcycling enthusiasts, at a resort in Baddeck, on Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia. After a lakeside breakfast Saturday morning, she and many of the riders went on an all day mission on their "bikes," to admire and honour the millions of Trees and the sparkling Lake and Ocean waters that grace the world famous Cabot Trail that encircles the northern half of the island. Of course I went with them, hovering like an unseen drone over their orange motorcycle, inspiring her to record the magnificent sights with ease, from the comfort of her director's chair seat in the motorcycle's sidecar. On Sunday morning the weather was fine, and the motorcyclists departed bright and early for their home destinations, located all over the province. Margaret had driven to the event in her truck, Big Silver II, and had some time to spare before checking out of the resort. From a previous stay during Celtic Colours in 2010, she remembered the lovely chapel on the grounds of the resort. Funds for its creation were donated in a bequest from an elderly Canadian hockey executive who had convalesced there near the end of his Earthly life. On Saturday when she tried it, she had found the door to the chapel locked. But when she returned on Sunday, it was open. I met her there, and scored a little unicorn magic of my own, with some Dancing Rainbow Light, with assists from the Sun, the Stained Glass Window, and some Gentle Breezes that were artfully blowing through the leaves of Trees planted close to the chapel. From the tranquility and beauty of that scene, we picked up the pace and made our way cross country, via Trans-Canada Hwy/NS-105W, to Inverness Raceway, arriving by the 1:00 p.m. post time of the first race. Which brings me to the title of this week's blog. While of this Earth, I was quite the fashionista, for example, heartily embracing the introduction of Swarovski crystals among the types of beads and coloured trim allowed on the brow bands of bridles during international Dressage competitions. Of course, of course, if you have been following the news, you may be aware that a topic of lively debate during the Tokyo 2020 Olympics has been the choice of uniforms required to be worn during competitions by some of the human female athletes. For my part, I continue to keep a close eye on all manner of fashions, but my particular focus is on clothing choices for Equines serving in professional sporting capacities. Regardless of the athletic discipline, I am a strong proponent of Equine Chic in work attire, which combines elegance and harmony with comfort and practicality suited to the job. In light of this, I inspired Margaret to go to the races on Sunday for a special assignment I took on, at the request of some fashionable friends of mine who are Standardbred pacers. These hard-working horses solicited my advice on how to choose winning looks for their often weekly performances at the local harness races. Although my father was a world class fine harness horse, I never had the experience of racing in harness, either while trotting or pacing. (All horses can naturally walk, trot, and canter. "Pacing" is a special gait in which horses simultaneously move the front and hind legs on the same side of their bodies. In order to perform this gait, a horse needs a mutation in DMRT3, the so-called "gait-keeper" gene. DMRT3 is expressed in spinal cord neurons arranged in locomotor networks that function to control and coordinate the movement of the front and hind limbs.) Some talented Standardbred pacers can really rock this gait while pulling a driver in a cart. Seen from the front as they approach, they appear to merrily swing or sweep their legs from side to side as they pull their carts forward (carts in this sport also being known as "bikes"). Never having previous Earthly experience as a pacing harness horse, I had to do some research about what they wear. Given the complexities of harness race outfits for pacers, and the manner in which the various sartorial elements are selected, it turned out to be a bit of a tall order. But I learned a lot in the process, and came up with some general tips for the fashion-conscious pacer. For purposes of illustration, I have included some photos of my friends modelling outfits they wore at recent appearances at the track. I will refer to them by the large numbers shown on the coloured "saddle pads" seen on their backs. For a horse to appear well-dressed, the first consideration, of course, of course, is the coat colour in question. In this sport, that's pretty easy. The vast majority of Standardbred pacers, at least those seen regularly at tracks in Cape Breton, are bays i.e., horses with hair that is some shade of "fiddle brown," contrasted with a black mane and tail and "black points" on the lower legs and ears. Thus, my comments here are manely tailored to great looks for bays. A winning look on the track, and at the grandstand, is all about harmony, balance, and flow. Horse #1 made a smart choice, choosing every element of his elaborate white harness to complement his white bike/cart. The full set of harness seen here includes a striking white overcheck, bridle, reins and breast collar, paired with fashionable white hopples (also called hobbles) to accentuate his well-toned legs, the hopples being suspended from matching white hopple hangers. This stunning look is completed with matching white tape around his knee and shin boots, and this seasoned muscular gelding pulls it all off, very well. Because competing in this sport requires a partnership with a human (who may be under the mistaken impression that he or she is in charge of all of the decision-making), it is important for a horse to be aware of, and consider in advance, the preferred colour choices of the person most likely to drive its cart during the race. Naturally, this is easier to predict if the driver is also the horse's owner and/or trainer. But often a horse will be driven in the race by a professional, so it pays to know their colour choices as well. Each driver wears a recognizable uniform consisting of a short-sleeved jersey and pants in a unique colour combination, referred to as his or her "silks." The colours of silks chosen by the drivers are based on personal preference, and in some cases have historical significance in this age-old sport, relating, for example, to the colours worn by a grandparent who was also a driver, back in his racing days. Wisely, Horse #1 teamed up with a popular driver who wears blue-white-yellow silks, for a pleasing overall look that complements him, and his white harness and cart. Horse #2 has also chosen her wardrobe with a keen eye for style. This elegant young mare is outfitted in a simple yet pleasing combination of mainly black harness elements, paired white hopple hangers, with no contrasting colour wrapped around her slim legs. She pulls a cart with black shafts and attractive blue wheels, which coordinates nicely with the blue-white silks worn by the driver. Her look is fortuitously completed by a coordinating saddle pad in royal blue, the colour designated for the horse who is assigned to Start Position 2 on the track. Veering further into the deep blue yonkers is Horse #3, a free-spirited young gelding who chose to wear black hopples with an attractive set of royal blue harness that contrasts nicely with the bright copper of his coat colour. He pairs this look with a royal blue cart with white wheels, driven by a man who sports blue-white-gold silks. An unexpected touch of turquoise at the girth adds an extra pop of colour. Seemingly out of the horse's control is the colour of the saddle pad it must wear during the race, as part of its outfit. This is determined by a draw that occurs several days before the scheduled race. Viewed at the starting gate from the inside rail outward, horses in Positions 1 through 8 respectively wear saddle pads of the following colours: Red, Blue, White, Green, Black, Yellow, Pink, and Gray. The starting position is shown both by the designated colour, and also by the larger number on the pad. (The smaller pad number designates the particular Race Number the team is entered into, of the six to eight races that are typically run per racing session.) Horse #4 came to the race wearing a set of harness in basic black and pulling a Red cart, with his only touch of colour being a blue breast collar. This six-year-old gelding jazzed up his look with the addition of his Green, Position 4, saddle pad. (Alternatively, perhaps he feels that the colours he wears don't matter at all LOL.) Conventional wisdom is that Starting Positions 1-3 are most favourable for winning a race. Thus, if a horse has a desire to win on a particular night, it would do well to envision receiving the Red, Blue or White saddle pad in the draw, and dress accordingly. On the other hand, since the horses all take turns at winning anyway, they can also use any higher position numbers they receive as an opportunity to really show their true colours. A bold and skillful demonstration of that approach is shown by dashing young Horse #6, a 3-year-old gelding who drew the Yellow saddle pad associated with Position 6. Seizing the opportunity to stand out when positioned closest to the crowd, he came dressed to the nines in a full set of green harness with matching leg wraps, pulling a white cart manned by a driver sporting yellow-white-green silks. Very snappy! To minimize distractions created by sounds and sights during the races, pacing harness horses are permitted to wear additional gear on their heads, including removable ear plugs, and blinkers (also known as blinders), which are designed to restrict their visual fields to varying degrees. Blinders come in several configurations (regular, open cup and closed cup). Some are attached to the bridle, whereas others are a component of separate hoods that cover the eyes and are fastened around the horse's head. I have no comment about the relative virtues of each type of blinders for harness horse racing. But if you want my opinion about the aesthetics of the style shown below, I have to be honest and say, "It's probably not your best look..." That's enough for now about harness wear for pacers. No report of fashion news in Cape Breton over the past week would be complete without a bird's eye view of the Scarecrows of Isle Madame pageant, going on all summer in Donald & Rosemary's vegetable garden in D'Escousse. Beachie and Breezie, you've got style!
Tues Jul 27, 2021; Case Note No. 11
Oh my goodness! My head still hasn’t stopped spinning, from all those pirouettes performed by my friends participating in Olympic Dressage tests! On Friday, July 23, 2021, the Sun moved into the constellation of Leo, and lined up with the bright star Sirius. On that day, simultaneously, Planet Earth experienced: the official opening of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games (no, that number is not a typo), the official opening of the celestial Lion’s Gate, and the first opening of a flower on one of the many sunflower plants growing in my patient Margaret’s south-facing garden. I am so pumped by the powerful incoming energies and this plethora of synchronicities that I nearly forgot to start my blog with my usual salutation. So I will say it now. Hello again, it’s me, Ms. AAngyl. Your friendly blogging unicorn. In the eight days since my last report, much has transpired on Planet Earth, and on Shore Road. My patient is making good progress, and in today’s Case Note, I have exciting news to share, from the world of plants and equines. But first, since you have enrolled in this course, of course, of course, we need to cover some new material. And today we will talk a little history, and “front porch philosophers’ stone.” Starting in the first few centuries CE, scientist/philosophers known as alchemists conducted experiments, in ancient China, India, the Muslim world, and Greco-Roman Egypt. In Europe in the 12th century, medieval Islamic works on science were translated into Latin, and the earlier writings of the Greek philosopher Aristotle were rediscovered, giving birth to a flourishing tradition of Latin alchemy during the late middle ages. (This tradition of alchemy later played a significant role in the development of early modern science, particularly in the fields of chemistry and medicine.) Back in the day, the purpose of the ultimate alchemical experimentation known as "Great Work" was to perfect the human body and soul, by means of discovering what was termed the philosophers’ stone. That was an understandable goal, given the living conditions at the time, and the several useful properties attributed to this mythical substance. To wit, philosophers’ stone was believed to be capable of turning base metals into gold, and common crystals into gem stones and diamonds. The stone was also useful for healing any and all ailments, and if ingested, was said to be capable of promoting rejuvenation, longevity, and even immortality. Clearly, this much-sought-after stone could cover a lot of bases, so to speak. Its symbol, written in a type of secret code used by alchemists, represented perfection, enlightenment, and heavenly bliss. You might be wondering why I am telling you about this in the year 2021. It turns out that far from being forgotten or discarded, the lofty ideals of the alchemists of old are being actively pursued on a grand scale today, by modern philosophers, doers and dreamers. But these days, without the need to first create a mythical stone or substance. So that’s a giant half pass forward! Presently, all over the world, spiritually-awakened humans, in groups or singly, are “great working” on their own modern dream projects, aimed at bringing Heaven to Earth. Their goal, through focused meditation, prayer, and other means, is to bring in and anchor, or “ground,” Divine, enlightened energy, or spirit, and to tangibly bless living beings and objects in the material world (including the Earth itself), with this sacred, healing energy. The intended outcome of present-day alchemical works being performed for the greater good of humanity by spiritually-awakened souls, is to raise the level of the collective consciousness to an extent sufficient for the great majority of the Earth's human population (goal: six billion people, or more) to awaken to a remembrance of their own Divine origins by the year 2032. And once awakened, to conduct their lives accordingly, regardless of how they carried on prior to awakening LOL! The greatest alchemical experiment ever conducted on Planet Earth has been actively ongoing since 2012, and is referred to as the Ascension, or the Shift. You should be aware that Gaia, your beloved home planet, is undergoing a Divinely-mandated promotion, from dense third-dimensional reality (where the misguided will of human egos reigns rampant and does much harm), to a heart-based fifth-dimensional reality (in which all beings live in peace and harmony with the planet, and all creations are designed to support the greater good of all). The hope of the planners of the Ascension project is that as many humans as possible will spiritually awaken to this knowledge and get on board by the deadline, thereby allowing their souls the opportunity, while still associated with their human bodies, to partake of the wondrous lifestyle that awaits humanity in the ascended, fifth-dimensional New Earth. Phrased in this way, modern alchemical work may sound too technical and complicated for the average person to grasp, let alone practice, or even aspire to. But really, it's not. It is entirely possible for any willing individual to participate in the Ascension project, once they are given the right information, and simple instructions to follow. And that, my friends, is the key. Are you aware that since the fall of Atlantis, historical knowledge related to this subject matter has been deliberately withheld from the masses, for millennia? That was done in order to keep the people of Earth in a permanent state of ignorance, fear, and powerlessness, and therefore easily controllable. Fortunately, those days are finally over, and more and more people are feeling an urgent desire to break free, and regain their God-given personal sovereignty and spiritual powers. For many years, my patient Margaret has been attracted to the goals of the Ascension project, and is passionate about seeing them realized in her lifetime. As her personal spirit guide and one of her teachers in this project, I have assigned readings for her to do. It is important background for her mission to know that the highest collective spiritual frequencies and technical achievements ever known on Planet Earth were experienced by populations who incarnated from all over the Universe and lived in human bodies during the Golden Age of Atlantis, over 10,000 years ago. To begin to produce Heaven on Earth today, clearly it pays to know how things were done back then, and to build from there, capitalizing on the earlier achievements. For there's no sense in reinventing the wheel! Fortunately, in 2005, an informative little treatise with the title Discover Atlantis was published in England, by Diana Cooper and Shaaron Hutton. Margaret’s assignment (and yours, should you choose to accept it) is to read this book, which is packed with a wealth of detailed information about how life was lived in those days, and to read about it with the aim of finding little pearls of wisdom contained within this book that are relevant to her/(your own) unique life circumstances, experiences, and mission/purpose for being on Earth at this time. For only through direct personal experience with Divinely-sourced spiritual teachings and energies does a person become convinced of their validity, and relevance in their own life. Margaret is doing her assigned homework, and desired outcomes are beginning to materialize in her life. As her friend and unicorn guide, I am here to share the happy news about what she is discovering, and hope that it is of interest and benefit to you, on your Divinely-guided path to personal peace and wellbeing. Under the section about farming in the Golden days of Atlantis, Margaret learned that everyone at the time knew that the human body is in harmony with all of Nature, and that the Earth provides the correct food, at the perfect time, to support the needs of the body. This is still true today. Thus, local food in season is imbued with the perfect nutrients for the people living in that particular area. This was understood in the Golden Age; thus the concept of transporting Creator/God-given food elsewhere was inconceivable. To bring this truth into her awareness, I managed through several intermediaries last week to introduce her to the delights of local beach peas, at the precise time when the pods were perfectly ripe and available for foraging at a beach within walking distance of her home. She and I used to enjoy walking together on this beach, and when she is there, she can feel my presence, and remember our beautiful days spent in each other's company. While we were there on the weekend, she located some ripe beach pea pods, and stuffed the pockets of her jeans with as many as they could hold. Back in her kitchen, her family had discovered that the tiny beach peas, cooked with locally gathered chanterelles, are delicious in a risotto. With the next batch, she discovered that these peas are a great addition to a typical Japanese-style curry. As a result of her experiences with harvesting wild beach peas, she now has a much deeper appreciation of the appeal and health benefits of locally grown foodstuffs, sourced either from her own garden, foraged for free from nearby sites, or offered for sale at local farmers' markets. She has also learned from this book that Golden Age Atlanteans were excellent herbalists, as are members of many indigenous and traditional cultures today. The souls who incarnated in Atlantis at that time came in with an inherent knowledge of which plants to use to effectively treat various ailments. Not having been raised in such a culture (although her mother Muriel was a stickler for fresh, all natural foods), and having lived as an adult exclusively in large cities prior to retirement, Margaret needed some extra help in this area. So I arranged for Prunella vulgaris, a versatile healing plant, to grow in an area that I knew she would visit regularly, i.e., my final resting place in Anne's field, which is located close to my barn/house, right next door to her property on Shore Road. On a recent visit to this site, she could not help but notice the beautiful violet-blue flowers on plants that were growing profusely among the tall grasses in the field. A quick check on a plant identification app on her phone revealed the identity of these blooming plants, and she became intrigued when she read that common names for this member of the Mint family are Heal-All and Self-Heal. Interesting!! After consulting with Ava, a herbalist/naturopath-in-training, and doing further research online for recipes, she confidently prepared an infusion made from freshly plucked flower heads and leaves of this plant. She is still investigating its potential beneficial effects on some arthritis she has in her hands and feet. But already she has discovered that healing Prunella vulgaris tea, which inter alia is rich in natural antioxidants and contains more rosmarinic acid than Rosemary itself, is the most delicious tea she has ever tasted, especially when sweetened with a touch of local honey. Margaret did not know that healing plants could be found growing in a field, as friendly herbs-next-door! But thanks to me, she's on a roll now. After noticing me leaning over the fence and munching on wild rose leaves earlier this spring (which I did to ease my own joint pain), her next planned ingredient for a healing herbal tea is the rose hips that are now ripening nicely on these same rose bushes, which grow wild beside the driveways that border each side of her property. That's enough about healthy and healing plants, for now. The Unicorn Kingdom is on high alert these days. We are watching with pride for the next two weeks as our friends who are incarnated on Earth as elite equine athletes proudly participate with their human friends in the Games of the XXXII Olympiad (aka Tokyo 2020 Olympics), which sport the motto, "United by Emotion." Horses are the only athletes from the Animal Kingdom presently allowed to co-create national Olympic teams with humans and compete for medals in these games. They do so as individual horse-human pairs, or teams of these, in demanding disciplines known as Dressage, Cross Country, and Show Jumping. A triathlon requiring performance in all three sports is known as Eventing. Having been trained in Dressage while on Earth, I am glued to the action during the first week, cheering on my many friends as they perform stunning acts of balance, athleticism and beauty. Dance on, and Godspeed, Eclipse, All In, Zach, Suppenkasper, Fogoso, Elegance, En Vogue, Dream Boy, Sanceo, Heiline's Danciera, Dante Weltino Old, Buriel K.H., Everdale, Bohemian, Bella Rosa, and all the rest of you superstars! You are doing us all proud! And nice touch with all those white socks and colourful hooves! But I do have one little suggestion for the organizers of the 2024 Olympic Games. Next time around, among the searchable list of athletes participating in the games, you really should include the names of all the horses. Just sayin' LOL. Case Note No. 10; July 19, 2021
Hello again. It’s me, Ms. AAngyl. Can you feel it in the air? The Earth and many of its inhabitants are shifting and changing in subtle, magical ways. For others, such as in areas presently experiencing earthquakes and floods, change is even more apparent. But take heart. Nothing lasts forever, and a New Golden Age for this world is just around the corner. New and improved Mother Earth is in the process of being birthed. So I say, “Out with the old and in with the New!” because a harmonious, utopic reality lies just ahead. One in which hearts direct every choice made by minds and bodies. A time and a place where peace and joy are the norm, and everything in creation exists for the common good. Of course, of course, we still have a few kerfuffles to get through before it’s here. But working together, it’s nothing we can’t handle. Or, if double negatives aren’t your cup of tea, let us say, with enthusiasm, “We’ve got this!” Regarding the ongoing grand shift in consciousness to a heart-based reality, some locations on Earth are a bit more advanced than others, when it comes to clearing the way for the New Earth. Cape Breton Island, in Nova Scotia, Canada, is certainly one of the forerunner destinations. This is a maritime land where the veil of amnesia is very thin, making it easier for souls to live from their hearts with all twelve chakras freely spinning, joyfully expressing their Creator/God-given natural talents and gifts. Usually they do so with a big grin on their faces. Children grow up, each one understood, accepted, appreciated, and cared for in loving, tight-knit communities, steeped in tradition, and immersed in much-celebrated local culture, music, dance, and art. In multi-generational families, nurtured by parents, grandparents, friends and friends-of-friends. And surrounded by lots of cousins to play with! The people are wise there, always keeping an eye out for the future, ever open to new possibilities, and plans for innovative, positive community growth. It’s the kind of place where a person can serve as premier of the province, then move on to create a new culture-based university in a former convent. But is appreciated most of all for specific fiddling and step-dancing abilities LOL! A place where friendly boy/girl-next-door type guys and dolls who have toured the world as Celtic musicians often sing, play fiddle, piano, guitar and mandolin at local events, and step dance too. Sometimes while they are playing their instruments, and always with joy. And manage ice cream stands, while planning international music festivals, and running impromptu local ceilidh crawls in their spare time. An island where engineers leave their former jobs to raise young families and pursue full-time employment as teachers of music and Gaelic language. Where world-class composers live in villages by brooks, writing symphonies to the trees, and nearby opera singers from America rest their laurels, baking bread, running bed-and-breakfasts, and volunteering to lead amateur choirs, while working their day jobs at the local hardware store. Where retirees can feel young again, their flashy wheels turning heads as they travel the country roads on senior-friendly motorcycles, some with sidecars. It’s that kind of place. In fact, it’s a lot like Atlantis in the good old days of its last Golden Age, when everybody knew their purpose in life, and a great time was had by all. Come to think of it, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia reminds me a lot of my first home on Planet Earth, this go-around. I grew up Ocala, Florida, another place where the veil is thin. Like Cape Breton, it is a location where many creative dreams are born and nurtured, especially for horses and horse people. Nineteen years ago, when I was a young girl, I was raised in a big family there, surrounded by lots of relatives. I spent my fillyhood with three friends of the same age who were purebred Arabian horses, including a pretty grey who was my first cousin of sorts. (We shared the same grandfather on the Arabian side of the family.) In those blissful days, the sky was the limit for us, and our skies were usually clear blue and sunny. Each of us had big dreams. We were cherished children, all different, but each born and raised for greatness. We had the bloodlines to pursue any number of different equestrian disciplines, and most horses I knew ended up in athletic careers (in performance, fine harness, jumping, racing, etc.). As carefree kids, while we frolicked in the pasture watching the older horses in training, my buddies and I often talked about what we wanted to be when we grew up. I was always a bit different from the others, in that I was a Half Arab, i.e., a National Show Horse with an Arabian mother, and an American Saddlebred father who was a champion in fine harness. Unlike the personable, in-your-face Arabians, I was always a bit shy, more serious and reserved than my friends (a trait that probably came from my father's side, as many Saddlebreds were famous war horses). It was fun to grow up in the company of the light-hearted Arabians, but it was often difficult for me to get a word in edgewise! I was trained in dressage, and in my early years I went on to win a few competitions in that discipline, in Florida and Georgia. Then, like my Saddlebred father and my Arabian grandfather before me, I arranged to retire early, to a life of observation and quiet contemplation. That’s because in truth, I always wanted to be a writer. And in order for that to happen, I had to patiently wait for the right timing in my life. By using the sensitive, intuitive side of my personality, I knew that I could immediately recognize the right person to help me with my dreams, when she finally came along. And that’s how and why I decided to become Margaret’s therapy horse, after she showed up in my world in Sarasota back in the fall of 2016, where I was giving riding lessons at Karin's farm. Anyway, that's all water under the Rainbow Bridge now. My dream came true and I’m still livin’ it, as they say, watching with great interest from above, and providing my commentary as things continue to unfold according to the ascension plan for Planet Earth. It’s summertime in Cape Breton, that glorious time of year when the wild roses are in bloom, and freshly mowed hay is rolled into big rolls, or white marshmallows, that dot the fields. Mmm, mmm, mmm... I can just taste that first-cut hay, and delicious rose hips now! And things are getting even better! As more and more humans get their shots, Dr. Strang and the trusting citizens he guides are beginning to feel comfortable going back to outdoor gatherings. Just in time for the great weather, things are beginning to open up on the social scene, and many happy tourists are arriving. For the first time in ages, there was live music again this past Saturday in the bridge village of Mabou, and the famous Red Shoe Pub is open. Yippee!! At long last, the green light has been given to resume outdoor singing, step dancing, fiddling, and piano playing in front of live audiences! So it is beginning to feel like normal again, back to our regularly-scheduled Heaven on Earth. Finally, just a little heads-up, if you are into the horses... I hear tell that the powers-that-be at Inverness Raceway are considering a petition from a friend of mine, to allow bay unicorns to enter the harness races that are held there for Standardbred pacers, up to 14 years of age. I am told that the proposal has met with initial approval. All that remains is for the officials to decide how they will set the standards for handicaps, given the differences in drag coefficients created by the varying horn lengths of the competitors. Wheee!! I'm sure they'll sort it out soon, and my kind will be away at the races!! And of course we will take turns letting each other win. |
Angel's Blog
February 2025
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