Case Note No. 9; July 11, 2021
Hello again, it’s me, Ms. AAngyl. If you are still following my messages, I assume that I have piqued your interest. This is my ninth Case Note. I don’t usually post on a Sunday. But never say never LOL. (Thank you, Charles Dickens, for that great idiom, first unveiled in The Pickwick Papers. Sorry Justin B., you were not the first to popularize it.) Folks, are you now hearing the bouzouki strains of Never on Sunday LOL? I know I am. It’s a great tune, from an award-winning movie of the same name, from 1960. Anyway, I probably need to add a disclaimer here. You may have gathered by now that you have been led to a unicorn portal, one that opens you to other worlds that are way cooler than this one on Planet Earth, at least in the year 2021. There’s a reason why you and your Soul find yourselves here. I have attracted you from the other side LOL! To wit, I am a unicorn who recently spent time incarnated on Planet Earth, serving as a therapy horse named Angel. I am able to speak my truths through Margaret, a spiritual seeker who likes to record her life experiences in writing, and illustrate her stories with pictures she takes on her cell phone. I still use her as my scribe, and now that I have returned to the angelic kingdom, my purpose is to offer you free tips and information, given from the perspective of a trustworthy ascended equine. Let me be Your Guide And Ride To The Higher Side. Catchy slogan, huh? But it’s your choice. I can lead you to this particular cool drink of water, but you know the rest... after that, what you and your soul choose to take in is entirely up to you. Consider this Page/Portal as your personal open invitation to enroll in my free course offering, which starts today. I call it A Course In Unicorns. Of course, of course! Why didn’t I think of that (name) sooner, LOL? Where I come from, space and time are continuous. Things move very quickly up here, putting a special spin on everything. Rest assured that there are no quizzes, tutorials or make-up classes in this course, and that all of my Notes remain in the Archives. I introduce new material all the time, I don’t keep office hours, and I rarely respond to comments. I know that you are smart and motivated, and can do research on your own, if so inclined. If a term or reference I use is unfamiliar to you, be prepared to look things up, if you feel guided to do so. If you feel that particular information presented herein is important for your spiritual path or mission in life, you can generally find most everything you need, starting with a keyword search of an online encyclopedia such as Wikipedia, and sometimes by talking to Alexa. When analyzing the search results, always use common sense, and most importantly, your personal discernment ability. And watch out for phishers of men (and women, non-binaries, etc.) who are trying to sell you things. They tend to be attracted to folks who innocently reveal that they are interested in Light reading, for example by responding to a generic questionnaire on Facebook. In these Pages, inter alia, I continue to discuss my co-creative involvement in the Earthly life of my patient/friend Margaret. She is one of the spiritually awakening forerunners, fourteen years on the path. She is a natural writer, one who does it for fun. Based on her awakening experiences, she aspires to establish a novel category of literature, known as Non-fiction Fantasy. That’s where I come in, LOL. For Shore, ours is an interesting collaboration, which is why I agreed to take on this assignment. We were together on Earth for four-and-a-half years for a very specific joint venture/mission (further described in a Divine Life Purpose section in our respective Soul Contracts). In my present capacity, I am tasked with providing Margaret with tangible examples of ways and means that I, as a unicorn working on the other side, have at my disposal, and use for her benefit in our ongoing work. For some, but certainly not all readers, it is hoped that the content of this blog will provide sufficient evidence to convince you of the veracity of my kind, and of the fact that Margaret still retains her Earthly sanity, despite appearances to the contrary. Not that she cares, in her present incarnation as a free-spirited sovereign soul in a human body, one who has always thrived on doing her own thing, and is presently getting a big kick out of collaborating with a unicorn. To each her own! For your edification, I share my knowledge of enlightened, heart-centred ways of being, ones that are practiced elsewhere in the Universes. Come on people now… it’s high time we started living this way on Planet Earth! Sorry, I got a little loud there. And I am getting a bit in front of the bit, so to speak. From hallowed halls in the upper dimensions (i.e., fifth and higher), my job is to pass along Divine seed ideas and pearls of wisdom that can be planted and grown on Planet Earth by receptive people, for the greater good of all. By the way, in case you don’t already know it, Earth aka Gaia is one of the most beautiful planets in all of Creation. Well worth saving! To facilitate my contribution to this joint project, of course I have permanent access to the Akashic Records, an essential tool in my line of work. I am happy to share my knowledge of how things are done on Earth during the most enlightened periods in its long history, and particularly during the Golden Age of Atlantis. Funny, you don’t hear a lot about that these days. (BTW, as she typed it, Margaret just heard that line being spoken in Jimmy Buffet’s voice. Gee, I wonder why, LOL.) But mark my words (or write this down, as they say)—A Course in Unicorns is neither a history class, nor a relaxing trail ride down shady Memory Lane. There is much to be gleaned from information that is not recorded in your history books. So listen up! Consider the shiny nuggets that you unearth along the way to be springboards to your own happier days. Let your intuition be your guide. And always remember to take the best and leave the rest. It is now time for Gaia to move on; let bygones begone! (Thank you, WD.) The plan all along has been to bring Heaven to Earth. Time’s a wastin’. So let’s get after it! As she shares in her memoir, Meant To Be, An Awakening Journey (MTBAAJ), Margaret had years of professional experience in this lifetime as a patent attorney. With that training, she is now able to view and express certain aspects of life in those terms. From other life experiences, she is familiar with cellular and molecular biology, and alchemy. Fortunately, she is now very open LOL to much more than dry legal theory and practice, and a left-brained Newtonian worldview. Working together, she and I, along with many others, are collaborating in human-celestial teams; we are in the process of trying one more time to bring through a new invention, i.e., the Big One, the next-generation Utopia, on the beautiful planet that she calls home. In its broadest sense, the purpose (or Intention Behind the Invention LOL), is to create Heaven on Earth, this time for good. Heaven only knows we need new and improved ways of living here… now! Vast teams of angelics and ascended beings are working behind the scenes on the current aspect of the Utopia On Earth (UOE) project, with the goal of constructing a new, ascended reality, one that is designed for the support and enjoyment of all embodied, enlightened, sovereign beings. A benevolent Divinely-guided reality is in the works, one in which every being honours, and is guided by, universally-accepted spiritual laws and practices. A reality where everyone lives and works in harmony, for the greater good and satisfaction of all. An Earthly paradise that provides abundantly for all life forms, each one joyously pursuing a Divine purpose while happily co-existing with others, in peace, harmony, mutual respect, good health, and prosperity. The Renaissance took place quite some time ago. Up here, we all feel that it’s high time to tackle this project once again. What do you think? Are you in? Nice high-vibrating visuals there, stated with good intentions! But now, back to the current task at hand, and Earthly patent law. I bring this up because it is relevant to the present, or “instant” inventions, as they say. As Margaret used to tell her clients, in order to be patentable, an invention must meet certain legal standards, including novelty and non-obviousness. But don’t worry about those things right now. Inventions, like utopias, are generally the product of many trial-and-error experiments before they are perfected. In order for a novel and non-obvious idea to be legally deemed an invention, it is necessary to establish the date when the concept of the invention is first written down in sufficient detail for a person skilled in the art (i.e., in the particular field) to be able to make and use the invention, based on what is in the patent disclosure. Thus, a patentable invention is much more than a mere idea, wishful thought, or vague notion about what is desired or intended. On the other hand (thanks, Randy T), a patentable invention need not be manifested (i.e., constructed, or “reduced to practice”) in the material world, ever. Indeed, many a patent has been granted on a well-described concept for an invention that was never made. In this case, within the written patent application, and any resulting patent, the section known as the Detailed Description of the Invention is written in the present tense. That’s a bit of patent law “code” for you, in case your mission requires you to read the patent literature. Basically, in Earthly patent law, if you can dream it, and can write about how to make and use it clearly enough in the present tense, you might be able to get a patent on it LOL. This is where the requirements of the instant mission deviate substantially from Earthly patent law standards, in regard to our efforts to create the types of enlightened inventions we envision for the New Golden Age on Earth. (Not that we are interested in obtaining patents on them, at all. As enlightened beings, why in the world would we want to own legal rights that allowed us to exclude others from making and using our magnificent creations LOL? No thank you!!!) Like House, M.D., I merely use an analogy here, to see if you are still awake and following my drift. The whole point of our joint efforts, which are aimed at creating various types of illumined, utopic inventions, is indeed, to reduce them to practice, so that we can all enjoy the resulting tangible creations on Planet Earth! For millennia, people with elevated spiritual ideals and aspirations, from all walks of life and from around the globe, have been praying, and meditating, and using their imaginations and intentions to envision their dreams, in an effort to manifest what they desire in the material world (or, at a minimum, in the hope of choosing a winning lottery ticket, or equine in a horse race). Enough with the escapism already! Spiritually advanced souls are tired of living in a dream world, setting their intentions for lofty manifestations and hoping for the best, only to find themselves repeatedly forced to settle for much less, and left to live with the mere promise of better days ahead in the Afterlife (assuming they have managed to lose enough karma on this go-around.) You all deserve so much better than that! We know that billions of people are ready and willing to experience a tangible utopia on Planet Earth, right here, right now, and right before their very eyes. Deepak Chopra and the Vedas teach that this is a very real possibility in this lifetime. So how about it? What are you waiting for?? The angels and unicorns are here to help you with that! I admit that I can get a little carried away, especially when you get me wound up about subjects that I am passionate about, such as Utopic Living on Planet Earth, (which BTW would be a great name for a magazine). I know, I know, for those still asleep behind the veil, it is very hard to understand me, let alone trust my words. And for those who are in the process of awakening, I know it is hard to remain patient, for what feels like forever, as you champ at the bit waiting for your well-intentioned dreams to finally materialize in your reality. We see you doing your yoga, pining away for delicious rewards that are just beyond the reach of your extended fingertips, or hooves, as the case may be. Which reminds me. I miss the aromatherapy of Eastern Wood Pine shavings on the floor of my stall at Horseplay!™, and the sweet smell of Margaret's fresh-steamed hay. But take heart, beloved people of Gaia! Together we are making great progress, and the beautiful end result you so fervently desire is already written in the stars. From here on in, it's just onward and upward, as they say. I realize that I have given you a lot to process today, especially the patent law stuff. So go and rest easy, my friends, and be sure to take a big drink of water. I will leave it at that, for now. Today is Sunday, the day of rest. So enjoy your time off. As for me, see ya! I have a yoga class to lead!
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