Tues Jul 27, 2021; Case Note No. 11
Oh my goodness! My head still hasn’t stopped spinning, from all those pirouettes performed by my friends participating in Olympic Dressage tests! On Friday, July 23, 2021, the Sun moved into the constellation of Leo, and lined up with the bright star Sirius. On that day, simultaneously, Planet Earth experienced: the official opening of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games (no, that number is not a typo), the official opening of the celestial Lion’s Gate, and the first opening of a flower on one of the many sunflower plants growing in my patient Margaret’s south-facing garden. I am so pumped by the powerful incoming energies and this plethora of synchronicities that I nearly forgot to start my blog with my usual salutation. So I will say it now. Hello again, it’s me, Ms. AAngyl. Your friendly blogging unicorn. In the eight days since my last report, much has transpired on Planet Earth, and on Shore Road. My patient is making good progress, and in today’s Case Note, I have exciting news to share, from the world of plants and equines. But first, since you have enrolled in this course, of course, of course, we need to cover some new material. And today we will talk a little history, and “front porch philosophers’ stone.” Starting in the first few centuries CE, scientist/philosophers known as alchemists conducted experiments, in ancient China, India, the Muslim world, and Greco-Roman Egypt. In Europe in the 12th century, medieval Islamic works on science were translated into Latin, and the earlier writings of the Greek philosopher Aristotle were rediscovered, giving birth to a flourishing tradition of Latin alchemy during the late middle ages. (This tradition of alchemy later played a significant role in the development of early modern science, particularly in the fields of chemistry and medicine.) Back in the day, the purpose of the ultimate alchemical experimentation known as "Great Work" was to perfect the human body and soul, by means of discovering what was termed the philosophers’ stone. That was an understandable goal, given the living conditions at the time, and the several useful properties attributed to this mythical substance. To wit, philosophers’ stone was believed to be capable of turning base metals into gold, and common crystals into gem stones and diamonds. The stone was also useful for healing any and all ailments, and if ingested, was said to be capable of promoting rejuvenation, longevity, and even immortality. Clearly, this much-sought-after stone could cover a lot of bases, so to speak. Its symbol, written in a type of secret code used by alchemists, represented perfection, enlightenment, and heavenly bliss. You might be wondering why I am telling you about this in the year 2021. It turns out that far from being forgotten or discarded, the lofty ideals of the alchemists of old are being actively pursued on a grand scale today, by modern philosophers, doers and dreamers. But these days, without the need to first create a mythical stone or substance. So that’s a giant half pass forward! Presently, all over the world, spiritually-awakened humans, in groups or singly, are “great working” on their own modern dream projects, aimed at bringing Heaven to Earth. Their goal, through focused meditation, prayer, and other means, is to bring in and anchor, or “ground,” Divine, enlightened energy, or spirit, and to tangibly bless living beings and objects in the material world (including the Earth itself), with this sacred, healing energy. The intended outcome of present-day alchemical works being performed for the greater good of humanity by spiritually-awakened souls, is to raise the level of the collective consciousness to an extent sufficient for the great majority of the Earth's human population (goal: six billion people, or more) to awaken to a remembrance of their own Divine origins by the year 2032. And once awakened, to conduct their lives accordingly, regardless of how they carried on prior to awakening LOL! The greatest alchemical experiment ever conducted on Planet Earth has been actively ongoing since 2012, and is referred to as the Ascension, or the Shift. You should be aware that Gaia, your beloved home planet, is undergoing a Divinely-mandated promotion, from dense third-dimensional reality (where the misguided will of human egos reigns rampant and does much harm), to a heart-based fifth-dimensional reality (in which all beings live in peace and harmony with the planet, and all creations are designed to support the greater good of all). The hope of the planners of the Ascension project is that as many humans as possible will spiritually awaken to this knowledge and get on board by the deadline, thereby allowing their souls the opportunity, while still associated with their human bodies, to partake of the wondrous lifestyle that awaits humanity in the ascended, fifth-dimensional New Earth. Phrased in this way, modern alchemical work may sound too technical and complicated for the average person to grasp, let alone practice, or even aspire to. But really, it's not. It is entirely possible for any willing individual to participate in the Ascension project, once they are given the right information, and simple instructions to follow. And that, my friends, is the key. Are you aware that since the fall of Atlantis, historical knowledge related to this subject matter has been deliberately withheld from the masses, for millennia? That was done in order to keep the people of Earth in a permanent state of ignorance, fear, and powerlessness, and therefore easily controllable. Fortunately, those days are finally over, and more and more people are feeling an urgent desire to break free, and regain their God-given personal sovereignty and spiritual powers. For many years, my patient Margaret has been attracted to the goals of the Ascension project, and is passionate about seeing them realized in her lifetime. As her personal spirit guide and one of her teachers in this project, I have assigned readings for her to do. It is important background for her mission to know that the highest collective spiritual frequencies and technical achievements ever known on Planet Earth were experienced by populations who incarnated from all over the Universe and lived in human bodies during the Golden Age of Atlantis, over 10,000 years ago. To begin to produce Heaven on Earth today, clearly it pays to know how things were done back then, and to build from there, capitalizing on the earlier achievements. For there's no sense in reinventing the wheel! Fortunately, in 2005, an informative little treatise with the title Discover Atlantis was published in England, by Diana Cooper and Shaaron Hutton. Margaret’s assignment (and yours, should you choose to accept it) is to read this book, which is packed with a wealth of detailed information about how life was lived in those days, and to read about it with the aim of finding little pearls of wisdom contained within this book that are relevant to her/(your own) unique life circumstances, experiences, and mission/purpose for being on Earth at this time. For only through direct personal experience with Divinely-sourced spiritual teachings and energies does a person become convinced of their validity, and relevance in their own life. Margaret is doing her assigned homework, and desired outcomes are beginning to materialize in her life. As her friend and unicorn guide, I am here to share the happy news about what she is discovering, and hope that it is of interest and benefit to you, on your Divinely-guided path to personal peace and wellbeing. Under the section about farming in the Golden days of Atlantis, Margaret learned that everyone at the time knew that the human body is in harmony with all of Nature, and that the Earth provides the correct food, at the perfect time, to support the needs of the body. This is still true today. Thus, local food in season is imbued with the perfect nutrients for the people living in that particular area. This was understood in the Golden Age; thus the concept of transporting Creator/God-given food elsewhere was inconceivable. To bring this truth into her awareness, I managed through several intermediaries last week to introduce her to the delights of local beach peas, at the precise time when the pods were perfectly ripe and available for foraging at a beach within walking distance of her home. She and I used to enjoy walking together on this beach, and when she is there, she can feel my presence, and remember our beautiful days spent in each other's company. While we were there on the weekend, she located some ripe beach pea pods, and stuffed the pockets of her jeans with as many as they could hold. Back in her kitchen, her family had discovered that the tiny beach peas, cooked with locally gathered chanterelles, are delicious in a risotto. With the next batch, she discovered that these peas are a great addition to a typical Japanese-style curry. As a result of her experiences with harvesting wild beach peas, she now has a much deeper appreciation of the appeal and health benefits of locally grown foodstuffs, sourced either from her own garden, foraged for free from nearby sites, or offered for sale at local farmers' markets. She has also learned from this book that Golden Age Atlanteans were excellent herbalists, as are members of many indigenous and traditional cultures today. The souls who incarnated in Atlantis at that time came in with an inherent knowledge of which plants to use to effectively treat various ailments. Not having been raised in such a culture (although her mother Muriel was a stickler for fresh, all natural foods), and having lived as an adult exclusively in large cities prior to retirement, Margaret needed some extra help in this area. So I arranged for Prunella vulgaris, a versatile healing plant, to grow in an area that I knew she would visit regularly, i.e., my final resting place in Anne's field, which is located close to my barn/house, right next door to her property on Shore Road. On a recent visit to this site, she could not help but notice the beautiful violet-blue flowers on plants that were growing profusely among the tall grasses in the field. A quick check on a plant identification app on her phone revealed the identity of these blooming plants, and she became intrigued when she read that common names for this member of the Mint family are Heal-All and Self-Heal. Interesting!! After consulting with Ava, a herbalist/naturopath-in-training, and doing further research online for recipes, she confidently prepared an infusion made from freshly plucked flower heads and leaves of this plant. She is still investigating its potential beneficial effects on some arthritis she has in her hands and feet. But already she has discovered that healing Prunella vulgaris tea, which inter alia is rich in natural antioxidants and contains more rosmarinic acid than Rosemary itself, is the most delicious tea she has ever tasted, especially when sweetened with a touch of local honey. Margaret did not know that healing plants could be found growing in a field, as friendly herbs-next-door! But thanks to me, she's on a roll now. After noticing me leaning over the fence and munching on wild rose leaves earlier this spring (which I did to ease my own joint pain), her next planned ingredient for a healing herbal tea is the rose hips that are now ripening nicely on these same rose bushes, which grow wild beside the driveways that border each side of her property. That's enough about healthy and healing plants, for now. The Unicorn Kingdom is on high alert these days. We are watching with pride for the next two weeks as our friends who are incarnated on Earth as elite equine athletes proudly participate with their human friends in the Games of the XXXII Olympiad (aka Tokyo 2020 Olympics), which sport the motto, "United by Emotion." Horses are the only athletes from the Animal Kingdom presently allowed to co-create national Olympic teams with humans and compete for medals in these games. They do so as individual horse-human pairs, or teams of these, in demanding disciplines known as Dressage, Cross Country, and Show Jumping. A triathlon requiring performance in all three sports is known as Eventing. Having been trained in Dressage while on Earth, I am glued to the action during the first week, cheering on my many friends as they perform stunning acts of balance, athleticism and beauty. Dance on, and Godspeed, Eclipse, All In, Zach, Suppenkasper, Fogoso, Elegance, En Vogue, Dream Boy, Sanceo, Heiline's Danciera, Dante Weltino Old, Buriel K.H., Everdale, Bohemian, Bella Rosa, and all the rest of you superstars! You are doing us all proud! And nice touch with all those white socks and colourful hooves! But I do have one little suggestion for the organizers of the 2024 Olympic Games. Next time around, among the searchable list of athletes participating in the games, you really should include the names of all the horses. Just sayin' LOL.
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