Welcome to my first Magic Watch blog. It has taken a while for me to notice and appreciate the ongoing magic in my life, after losing my beloved horse Angel in June of this year. She lives on in my heart, and I feel her presence often. I have no doubt that she is pulling some strings from the other side, as my celestial collaborator. However, life is for the living. I know that as a therapy horse/unicorn, AAngyl is stepping back now and encouraging me to use the power of my present life experiences, words, and images to document and share with others the mysteries of an ongoing awakening journey on Earth. From time to time, you will continue to hear from AAngyl, when she makes her presence known to me.
It is not difficult to believe in a benevolent Creator and Universe in good times, when all is going well, and life is fun and exciting. It's not so easy in challenging times, such as the ones most people are experiencing in these days of an ongoing global pandemic, climate change, and widespread political and financial instability. For reasons unknown, tests of faith seem to be the norm in our collective journey at the present time. Each of us copes in our own way. In my case, I try to remain positive in various ways, and continue to look for evidence of Divine magic and workings that are operative in my daily life. My aim is to use this blog as a place to document these occurrences as they happen, and make the record available to anyone who is interested. Readers of Meant To Be, An Awakening Journey, will know that I have a particular fascination with synchronicities, or "synchs" for short, those unexplained coincidences, the likelihood of which defies all logical explanation. According to ancient Vedic teachings, synchronicities are direct messages from God, the Creator. I love this idea. Especially since the Sanskrit word "ritam," which relates to coincidences, has the same five letters as Rita M, one of Cape Breton Nova Scotia's most famous singers. Just a coincidence LOL! How wonderful it is to feel that one has received a direct message from God! I can believe in synchronicities as evidence of the Divine because they are concrete, and can be confirmed by others. There is no way that I have simply imagined the event, as a type of channeling or mystical wishful thinking. The evidence is right there, in physical reality, and there is no Earthly explanation for it. As a spiritual seeker, this concept gives me hope and encouragement, particularly in trying times. It intrigues me that there are puzzling events taking place on a daily basis in our lives. Ones that are above and beyond the activities of humanity, and rational explanations based on its accumulated store of knowledge. In short, I enjoy a good Divine mystery story! Synchronicity tracking requires patience, and belief in Divine timing. These are not everyday occurrences, but when they show up, it is always a great day. And if you analyze the circumstances surrounding them, you will find that they have a fascinating way of weaving themselves into the tapestry of your life story. Today I will tell you about a good one that I enjoyed this week. The month of November 2021 has been hard for me because last year at this time, my days were filled with daily chores and joyful activities with my horse Angel, whom we moved at the end of October 2020 to the little blue-and-white barn we built on the property especially for her. This year the barn sits empty, and for the first time in years, thanks to the ongoing pandemic, I find myself with very little to occupy my time during the day. Thankfully, while at the family cottage in Ontario in September, I was given the inspiration by my son to try my hand at adult jigsaw puzzles. As luck would have it, the local hardware store in Port Hood had two 1,000-piece puzzles on sale, with images that caught my eye. I have not done jigsaw puzzles since childhood, and cut my teeth on my first adult puzzle, which is a fine art reproduction of an antique Tree of Life tapestry by William Morris. I bought it on October 28, the one-year anniversary of Angel's first day on Shore Road. It was very challenging, but to my surprise I found myself instantly hooked on "puzzling." I worked on it for many hours each day, and completed my masterpiece twenty days later. After taking a few photos to memorialize my achievement, I dismantled it and put all the pieces back in the box, eager to tackle my next puzzle. Puzzle No. 2 is entitled Cozy Cabin, by UK artist Dominic Davison. It is a technicolour image of the inviting living room interior in an idyllic rustic but lavishly appointed lakeside cabin in the mountains. Large picture windows are on two sides, revealing resplendent views of the lake, autumnal forest and mountains beyond. The room interior is finished in wood and stone, and contains many intricate furnishings including antique lamps and clocks, vintage overstuffed green sofas and two rough-hewn designer chests that serve as coffee tables. The details of the objects in the painting are so fine that one needs a magnifying glass to see them clearly in the puzzle pieces. I completed this puzzle yesterday, after working on it for eight days. That is when I became aware of a stunning synchronicity. Magnified through the looking glass, the titles of the books on the coffee table were discernible. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the second book from the left on the near coffee table is entitled "RODIN." The font and black-and-white cover design were vaguely familiar. Suddenly I recognized this as a book of Rodin sculpture that my parents owned and prominently displayed on the coffee table in their home in Watford, Ontario back in the late 60s. I confirmed this by finding an image of this book, published in 1966, in an online used book store. I ask you, what are the chances of that book reappearing in my reality late in 2021, depicted in a jigsaw puzzle copyrighted in 2018? I can only shake my head in awe and wonder, thanking God and the Universe for this intriguing gift, and ask for more!
February 2025
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