Case Note No. 1: November 15, 2020
Hello, my name is Ms. Angel. I am an incarnated unicorn. But in my present form, on Planet Earth in the year 2020, people know me as an 18-year-old dark bay National Show Horse. I am a registered horse, and I am an ad hock therapy horse, if not technically a "registered therapy horse," if Alexa is correct about that. On my mother's side, I am a granddaughter of Huckleberry Bey, a famous bay Arabian stallion. I never met him. But I know what he looked like, because in her room in my house, Margaret (my patient who fancies herself as my human "mom,") keeps a big Breyer model of him. It is still in the original packaging, showing an Egyptian pyramid in the background. She found it on eBay LOL. Mom tells me that Huck was a very funny horse who loved to play with zippers. I try to imagine what he was like. His daughter, Blush Berri V, my mother, was really nice. On my father's side, I am a daughter of Sultan's Great Day, a tall black American Saddlebred stallion who owned William Shatner, the guy who played Captain Kirk in the hit TV show, Star Trek. When my father was very young, he was twice named World Champion Fine Harness Horse. After that, he got to retire early and just make babies. I was one of his very last children. I never got to meet him, either. I was raised in Florida and trained there as a dressage horse. I had a good life, but in 2017 I decided to move to Cape Breton Island, in Nova Scotia, Canada, after I met Margaret. (Cape Breton is filled with people of Scottish descent, and unicorns feel quite at home there.) Margaret needed a horse in her life, and we were both retired, so I arranged for us to meet in Sarasota through Karin, a mutual friend. I found us a nice little property with an ocean view in Nova Scotia, on Shore Road. It has a blue-and-white house she calls Wildflower Cottage. She and her friend Johannes built a matching blue-and-white house for me. To show them how to do that, I arranged for her to find a good book on the subject, called Horse Housing. They finished my house last summer, and I moved in on October 28, 2020, just in time for Hallowe'en. In her Soul Contract with me, Margaret, who is a writer, is to act as my scribe for this blog. Some people who drive by my house think it is a barn, since it has that shape, but Mom calls it Horseplay!™. It has two rooms, and a second storey loft on the south end. Both rooms are the same size, but mine has a cathedral ceiling, since I am quite tall. I share the other room with her, which she calls her office. I let her do that, because in her half of my house, she keeps buckets and bins that contain my food, a mini-fridge she keeps stocked with my carrots and apples, and a microwave oven that she sometimes uses to heat up my feed on cold nights. Mom doesn't remember this, but there is a very good reason why we recognized one another at first sight when we met in Florida. We were together during the Golden Age of Atlantis, over 10,000 years ago! At that time, humans were very spiritually-advanced. All the people knew that everyone was connected. All beings shared, and lived together harmoniously, for the greater good. People and animals had many mystical and magical powers, and their communities benefited from technologies far beyond what is known today. People and animals could talk to each other using only their thoughts. This is called communicating by "telepathy." The people considered the animals to be their equals, and in fact, some of the wisest teachers in Atlantis were animals. Of course, I try to communicate with Mom telepathically all the time, but she has forgotten a lot of the skills. Mom has loved music since she was a child, and she knows the words to a lot of popular songs she learned throughout her lifetime. Suddenly a song from long ago will pop into her head, and the words of the song will carry a message I am trying to convey to her. When I do this, she is experiencing a spiritual power known as "clairaudience," which means "clear hearing." In her mind, she hears the song that I am sending. Being fond of music, she seems to "get" that part of telepathy pretty well. I have been living at Horseplay!™ for just a short while, so I am still working out ways to let she and Johannes know what I need. Fortunately, Mom likes reading angelic oracle cards, and I have been having some success communicating with her using Diana Cooper's deck of cards, with messages from Atlantis. Today she consulted the deck, and received the card entitled "Love of Animals." It bears the timely message that an animal is trying to communicate with her today. That sure got her attention!! Besides all the wild birds that live here (some of which are quite annoying, but that's another story), there is only one other domesticated animal. That is Shadow, Johannes' grey-and-white polydactylous tuxedo cat, who is ignoring me so far, and vice versa. Naturally, after receiving this card, Mom figured there was something I was trying to tell her. Indeed, there was. It had to do with wearing a particular blanket. It is sometimes cold, rainy, and windy here in Cape Breton, so some horses wear coverings called "blankets" or "rain sheets" of various descriptions, to keep them warm and/or dry while they are grazing outside. (This is a contentious issue among people who share spaces with horses. Some "horse people" believe strongly in blanketing, whereas others insist that God gave horses the ability to grow furry winter coats for a good reason.) Anyway, Mom recently bought me a Canadian-made rain sheet fashioned in a blue-and-green plaid fabric that resembles the Nova Scotia tartan. Admittedly, it is attractive on me; the problem is, it doesn't fit me properly. It is too tight around my shoulders, and when it is fastened by the two buckles at the front, it binds on my neck when I lower my head to graze! I have tried in several ways to communicate to her that this pretty blanket just isn't working for me. First, when she puts it on my back and starts fastening it at the chest, I snap my teeth together loudly, as if I am in great pain. But she doesn't get my message. The blanket was rather dirty, so she spent a whole day washing it in the bathtub and drying it outside, so that it would look nice and fresh on me. Of course, the next morning, right after she turned me out in it, the first thing I did was roll in the dirt. Now it is good and dirty again!! But she still didn't take the hint. Eventually, she noticed when I was in the pasture that it was a strain for me to lower my neck to reach ground level. In response, she decided to attach the ill-fitting coat using just the lower strap and buckle, so that I would have more room at the neck. I had to wear it like that for half a day! As a last straw, today I sent her the animal oracle card. This morning it was cold and snowing a bit, so she decided I needed to wear the dreaded plaid rain sheet again. This time, when she buckled just the lower strap, and was working on the straps that fasten around my belly, I reached down and hooked the chest strap in my lower teeth, and just left my head stuck that way. That really got her attention!! So finally she said, "Okay, now I understand. You simply don't want to wear this blanket. I will put it away. Thank you for telling me." How I wish for the good old days in Atlantis, when inter-species communication was effortless!
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