Case Note No. 19 February 2, 2025 Hello again. It's me, Ms. AAngyl, the blogging unicorn. And do I have news for you!!! For those of you who are new to this blog, I am the author of AAnygl's Blog, Diary of a Therapy Horse. Since May, 2021 I have been posting my Case Notes on Margaret's website, Readers of my blog will know that I have lived as an incarnated unicorn, most recently embodied on Planet Earth as Margaret's therapy horse. While I was on Earth, humans knew me as a registered half-Arab National Show Horse named VJ Eightdays A Week, foaled in April, 2002. She wrote a book about our life together called Meant To Be: An Awakening Journey. Upon bonding with me in Florida back in January 2017, Margaret immediately changed my name to Angel. But when I was born, I was christened with the "barn name" of Doris, in a nod to my famous black American Saddlebred father, Sultan's Great Day. Clever, isn't it? A show horse named "Doris Day" LOL!! With famous performance horses on both sides of my family tree, I aspired to be an equine actress in that lifetime. Margaret and I broke some new ground in that area at the Horseplay! Equine-Assisted Entertainment Venue that we co-created in my house in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada, and I had a great life for 19 years. But now the show goes on in California, with other talented equine family members on the ground there. I am honoured and thrilled to watch their progress, and serve from the other side as one of Margaret's in-spirit collaborators and guides. When at Home, I can be found in the Unicorn Kingdom, where I have a fabulous set-up, lots of inspired company, and everything I could ever desire. Just to catch you up with the story, three days after I crossed the Rainbow Bridge in June 2021, I resumed writing my Diary of a Therapy Horse blog on Margaret's website, penning Case Note No. 5, Hello From Heaven. We posted my most recent note, Case Note No. 18, Unicorn Connections, on June 6, 2023. By that time, I had directed Margaret to her next therapy horse, Presence Mac V (who just happens to be my charming first cousin once removed--just a coincidence LOL). Presence was born in California in March 2022 at the famous home of Huckleberry Bey, my purebred Arabian grandfather on my mother's side. Later that summer, Presence was joined on the ground by her feisty, fashion-loving great aunt Euphorika on her mother's side. Rika, as she likes to be called, is a bright red bay, a dancer and equine actress with a flair for drama and a distinct love of costume and bling. You will hear much more from Rika in these pages. BTW, all of my incarnated family members carry the mark of the unicorn, which is a star on our foreheads, and the mark of Pegasus, which is a set of wings where our forelegs meet our chests. Now for some exciting news since I last wrote. In March 2024, our extended family expanded to include a stately grey incarnated Pegasian seraph posing as an ethereal pure white purebred Arabian mare named American Fashion V. She used to go by the name of Fashion, but since joining our family, she prefers to be known as Serafina. The big excitement in the clan these days is that later this month, both Rika and Serafina are expecting foals sired by my handsome cousin, Major Mac V. If you have read my Case Note No. 16, you will already know that Major is also the father of my soon to be three-year-old cousin, Presence Mac V. Going forward in this blog, we plan to pick up the story in central coastal California. We'll likely start the tale in the fall of 2024, but being unicorn memoirists, we can and will slide either way on the time-space continuum, for literary effect. For some of our stories, you will hear Margaret's version of events (in her Magic Watch blog), or mine in this blog, or we'll both have something to say. But now that I have other family members on the ground, I have enlisted their help as well. We are still fine-tuning the details of their soul contracts, as to the extent and nature of the content they will create. But it is likely that Rika will cover fashion and dance, and Serafina will contribute her perspective as a seasoned broodmare (as well as some fashion advice LOL). Young Presence will be given the floor (and mic) when she has something to say about her experiences while being saddle-trained to music as a young Arabian horse. And likely about her younger Macsiblings as well LOL. Much credit for professional photography of our family is due to the ever-capable and creative Evie Tubbs Sweeney. Last spring she put together a nice little video for us called Dancing Horses. It tells our story in about three minutes, and introduces you to the current cast of equine characters. (Except for the new foals, of course, of course. At present they are only outwardly visible as big bulges, and as dolls that Margaret made to represent them, so they can feel included in the photoshoots.) It’s only three more weeks to go for Serafina and Rika! Please wish them well! This week, before they're confined to the foaling stalls, Rika and Serafina worked with handler Magic Mike on the set for a Valentine's Day photoshoot and upcoming blog. And you can now view our Dancing Horses video here: If you choose to follow our tale, you may find yourself wondering if you are reading about horses, or if we truly are incarnated unicorns and/or seraphim with Pegasian bloodlines. Is this story of ours a work of fiction, or is it nonfiction? Or are we creating a new class of literature known as nonfiction fantasy because the players are embodied and apparently real on planet Earth, but hail from the ascended realms? Famous English spiritual teacher and channel Diana Cooper reports that unicorns are incarnating in droves on the planet these days, in aid of Gaia's ongoing ascension. This is true, of course, of course. But I'll leave it up to you to decide where the magic in our story originates... Until next time, Ms. AAngyl
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